


My name is Denis and I am a C# and Unity programmer.


Clean Architecture Game Template

This project is well designed game template allowing you to quickly and efficiently start developing your project with the best practices (like Domain Driven Design, Clean Architecture and Uber Ribs).

Clean Architecture Game Framework

This package provides you with the architecture game framework that helping you to develop your project following the best practices (like Domain Driven Design, Clean Architecture and Uber Ribs).

Addressables Extensions

This package is addition to Addressables giving you the ability to manage your assets in more convenient way.

Addressables Source Generator

This package is addition to Addressables giving you the ability to reference assets in a very convenient way.

Colorful Project Window

This package makes the project window much more convenient. This highlights the special folders (modules, assets, resources and sources) in different colors, thus making the project window easier to use.

UIToolkit Theme Style Sheet

This package provides you with the beautiful UIToolkit theme style sheets and some additions and tools.


This is a useful addition to Linq.


The assertion library with a very convenient fluent interface.
